Are Worms Good For Your Lawn

Despite their slimy looks worms are well-known for being very helpful in the garden. But are worms good for your lawn? You bet they are, and here’s why!


As worms travel from place to place in the soil below your lawn, they create a maze of tunnels. And those tunnels happen to be very beneficial for your grass. Specifically, they help to aerate your lawn. They allow the roots of your grass to have easy access not only to oxygen but also moisture. This helps to create strong roots which are vital for the health of your lawn overall.

Thatch Consumption

The thatch is the layer of decomposing organic material on the soil surface. When this layer gets too thick it doesn’t allow the roots of the grass to absorb the oxygen and moisture they needed which can cause them to become weak.

While worms eat the dirt below the surface of the soil, they also consume the thatch. And they do this constantly thereby helping to maintain the thatch at levels that are optimal for the health and growth of your lawn.

Are Worms Good For Your Lawn




The waste which worms produce is known as castings. And you will actually see worm castings for sale since they make such an excellent chemical-free fertilizer. The reason for this is that when worms eat organic material, these materials contain nutrients and trace minerals. As they pass through the worm they are ground down and mixed.

And the resulting castings provide these nutrients and minerals in a form that your grass can absorb both quickly and easily unlike most other natural fertilizers. So with its resident population of worms, your lawn gets free applications of organic fertilizer year-round.

Enhanced Soil Quality

Worms also improve the structure and overall quality of the soil that your lawn is growing in. Soil with good structure helps to encourage grass to grow strong root systems that allow better access to nutrients. Worms do this in a few different ways. As they feed they pull small particles of organic material deeper down into the soil which increases the soil structure.

The castings they produce also happen to be outstanding at holding water. And this increases the ability of your soil to store moisture efficiently. The castings also promote populations of beneficial bacteria and microorganisms into the soil which every healthy lawn needs.

Are Worms Good For Your Lawn

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Adding Worms To Lawns

So are worms good for your lawn? The answer is a resounding yes!  Purchasing garden worms and releasing them into your soil is an inexpensive way to help increase the beauty and health of your grass for many years. And as your worms reproduce and increase in number over time the bigger the results they will provide.


Start Shopping for Garden Worms!


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