Cool Looking Birds

With so many different bird species on the planet, they really come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and other physical characteristics. And some bird species are just much more interesting in appearance than others. The following are some cool looking birds you’ll want to learn more about.

Guinea Turaco

Native to the forests of West and Central Africa, the Guinea Turaco is a striking bird. It is a brilliant green and blue with a crest that looks similar to a mohawk. This species is also known as the green crested turaco or green lourie.

Cool Looking Birds



Snowy Owl

These cool looking owls are completely white with black markings. Not only does it plumage give these large owls a regal appearance but it also provides them with the ideal camouflage for the Arctic regions where they are found. Unlike most other owl species which are nocturnal, the snowy owl is active during the day.

Cool Looking Birds



South Island Takahe

The South Island takahe was previously thought to be extinct, however, luckily this cool looking bird can still be found today in its native homeland of New Zealand.  It is a flightless, iridescent bird species that has a huge red cone-shaped beak that extends all the way up to its forehead. If that’s not a unique look I don’t know what is.

Cool Looking Birds



Mandarin Duck

This is one cool looking duck. The male has ornate and vibrant plumage that includes feathers that look like orange sail fins on its back. It’s no wonder that many duck lovers consider this to be the most attractive duck species.

Cool Looking Birds



Indian Peafowl

The plumage of the male Indian peafowl, also known as the peacock, makes it one of the coolest looking birds in the world and also one of the most beautiful. Its fan-like tail with iridescent eyespots is spread out and displayed to help the peacock attract a mate. In contrast, the female, or peahen, is not nearly as attractive and quite dull in color.

Cool Looking Birds



Bearded Barbet

You don’t have to look too hard to tell what makes the bearded barbet stand out. It’s the clump of black bristles at the base of its beak. These bearded birds can be found in West Africa where they feed mainly on fruits and insects.

Cool Looking Birds



Chestnut-Eared Aracari

Toucans are colorful birds with huge beaks. And one of the most beautiful and common species is the Chestnut-eared Aracari. This cool looking bird can be distinguished from other toucan species by the blue patch of bare skin around its light-colored eye and the single red band across its otherwise yellow belly.

Cool Looking Birds



Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo

Look at that crest! While it appears white when it’s closed, the crest on the head of the Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo is a gorgeous red and yellow when it’s raised. This Australian species live in arid and semi-arid regions of the country and is named after one of Australia’s first explorers.

Cool Looking Birds



Rainbow Lorikeet

The rainbow lorikeet is a medium-sized parrot that is found in coastal Australia. Its bright red beak and rainbow-colored plumage make it a treat for the eyes. Luckily for fans of this visually stunning and friendly bird, it also inhabits well-treed urban and suburban areas.

Cool Looking Birds



Secretary Bird

With a head and body that’s similar to that of an eagle and long legs that resemble a stork, these cool looking birds are totally unique. They also stand at over four feet tall and have distinct black feathers on the back of their head. The secretary bird is one of only two birds of prey that hunt their prey on foot, the other is the caracara.

Cool Looking Birds


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