Do Cicada Killer Wasps Sting?

As one of the biggest species of wasp in North America the cicada killer wasp can be intimidating. And because of their size, appearance, and scary-sounding name, many people wonder, “Do cicada killer wasps sting? The answer is yes and no, and here’s what you’ll want to know

What Is A Cicada Killer Wasp?

The cicada killer wasp is a large burrowing wasp that is brown or black with yellow bands and can reach up to 1.5 inches in length. They don’t live in nests with other cicada killers. Instead, they are solitary insects, and each individual lives in its own underground burrow.

They get their name from the fact that female cicada killer wasps hunt cicadas in the trees. Cicada killers are a beneficial predator as they help to keep the population of cicadas in check, as both cicadas and their young damage deciduous trees.

Can Cicada Killers Sting?

Male cicada killers can seem quite scary, especially for anyone who has a natural fear of wasps, stinging insects, or just big bugs in general. That’s because when people and pets get close to their territory, the males will loudly buzz close by. They may even dive-bomb them in an attempt to intimidate them and scare them off. However, the noise and action are all a bluff.

That’s because male cicada killer wasps cannot sting, they don’t have a stinger, and are considered completely harmless. Female cicada killers can sting. They use their stingers to inject venom into cicadas paralyzing them. They then carry the cicada back to their burrows to lay their eggs on. When the eggs hatch the cicada killer wasp larvae will feed on the paralyzed cicada.

Do Cicada Killer Wasps Sting Humans?

Unlike other types of wasps such as yellow jackets and hornets that are highly protective of their nests, it’s extremely unlikely for a cicada killer wasp to sting you. In fact, cicada killers are considered gentle giants. As mentioned above males cannot sting. And females typically avoid humans and rarely ever deploy their stinger in defense. They are non-aggressive, and in order to be stung, you’d basically have to provoke or handle one in a rough manner.

If you did happen to get stung, the pain involved is described as very low, being similar to that of a pinprick. And cicada killer wasp sting treatment is typically as simple as applying an icepack to the site of the sting. But of course, if there is any sign of an allergic reaction you should seek medical attention.


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