Golden Eagle Facts

The golden eagle is a large bird of prey. And there are many amazing things you’ll want to know about this species. So here are some of the top golden eagle facts.

It’s A Highly-Respected Species In The World Of Falconry

Falconry is the sport of hunting animals using trained birds of prey. And the golden eagle is considered to be one of the most esteemed species used for this sport because of its hunting skills, speed, and power. In Kazakhstan, it’s even been used to hunt wolves.

Golden Eagles Make Huge Nests

These large birds make very big nests. Made from roots and twigs and lined with moss, their nests often reach up to 10 feet in diameter and 4 feet deep. In the nest, the female golden eagle can lay up to 4 eggs, although usually only 1 or 2 will ultimately survive.

This Species Is Named For Its Plumage

The golden eagle gets its name from the golden-brown feathers on its nape. The rest of the body is mainly dark brown. Younger birds however tend to be darker in color and have white markings on their wings and tails.

Golden Eagle Facts



Golden Eagles Are Top-Tier Predators

These eagles are large, fast, and powerful predators. And one of the most interesting facts about golden eagles is simply the range of prey they are capable of killing. With their razor-sharp talons, they can catch and kill animals as large as foxes, coyotes, wolves, goats, and even full-grown deer. They also feed on smaller prey such as fish, birds, reptiles, and small mammals along with carrion.

They Are Extremely Fast

The golden eagle is the fastest of all eagle species and is actually the second fastest animal on the planet. The only other animal faster is the peregrine falcon. This species can glide at up to 120 mph and reach a blistering speed of up to around 200mph when diving after its prey.

It’s The National Bird Of Mexico

As the national bird of Mexico, the golden eagle is featured on both the country’s flag and coat of arms. It is shown holding a snake in its talons. This image comes from an Aztec legend where the gods told them to build a city on the spot where they saw an eagle perched eating a snake.

Golden Eagle Facts



The Golden Eagle Is Monogamous

Golden eagle forms a breeding pair during a courtship display. The pair stays with its mate long-term. This may be for several years or in some cases even for life.

It’s The Largest Hunting Bird In North America

The golden eagle is a huge bird. It can reach 3 feet in length with a 7-foot wingspan. The only other bird of prey that is larger in North America is the California condor, a species of vulture that does not hunt but scavenges.

Golden Eagle Facts



This Species Is The Most Widely Distributed Of All Eagles

The golden eagle has a very wide range. It can be found in North America, Eurasia, and northern Africa. While they can live in a variety of different habitats they are most often found in mountainous regions.

It Works With Its Mate When Hunting

These birds don’t always hunt alone. One of the lesser-known golden eagle facts is that they sometimes work together with their mate to catch their meals. One bird will typically chase the prey toward its partner which is waiting for the ambush.


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