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Unwanted pests and unwanted weeds are always popping up in the garden. These can ruin flowers or other plants around the yard. Instead of using dangerous chemical pesticides as a means of pest control, there are organic alternatives that work just as well. Here are some tips to keep your garden green and free of pests.

Encourage Birds to Visit

Birds are a great way to control unwanted pests because they eat insects. To welcome birds into a garden, it may be wise to add a bird bath into the area and plant items that attract them.

Another option are sunflowers which are a great addition to the garden. Besides attracting birds, they can create a useful hedge that keeps other animals away.

Appreciate the “Beneficial” Bugs

Not all insects are bad. For example, ladybugs and green lacewings are very good for pest control. These bugs feed on insects such as aphids that cause damage to garden plants. It is possible to naturally attract these “beneficial” bugs with water and herb plants. It is also possible to purchase these bugs online in the egg stage as well.

Cover with Netting

Some people use the barrier method as a way to keep pests away. Food plants are commonly protected with a large net. This prevents unwanted insects from eating the plants but still allows sunlight to penetrate for proper development. A net is one of the simplest and least expensive ways to preserve a plant and be kind to the environment as well.

Organic Insecticide 

It is possible to create an organic insecticide from basic pantry ingredients. To begin, blend 15 cloves of garlic, one onion, three cayenne peppers, and four cups of warm water into a puree. This mixture is placed into a glass jar and steeped for one day. The mixture is strained and mixed with one-half teaspoon of liquid castile soap.

This liquid is poured into a spray bottle and applied throughout the garden. Any remaining amount can be refrigerated and stored for up to two months. It is important to avoid skin contact because the pepper may cause burns.

Natural pest control is a safe and efficient way to protect a garden from unwanted insects. Chemical pesticides are often ineffective and harmful.

The above tips and this homemade solution for naturally killing weeds here should help a gardener protect plants from intrusion. In the end, it is possible to enjoy a lush lawn, beautiful greenery, or tasty fruits and vegetables without worry.


Start Shopping for Pest Deterrents!


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