Eagle Pictures

Eagles are large powerful raptors with sharp talons and beaks. These apex predators are typically at top of the food chain and there are many interesting things about them. So we’ve compiled some of the best eagle pictures to show you just how amazing they are.

Bald Eagle

The majestic-looking bald eagle is the official emblem of the United States. However despite being the national bird, in the United States, it was close to extinction in the not-so-distant past.

This is partly believed to be due to the harmful effects of the pesticide DDT which weakened their eggshells thus causing low reproduction rates. Luckily as a result of heavy restrictions on DDT and the dedicated efforts of reintroduction programs the bald eagle has made a comeback.

Eagle Pictures



Baby Bald Eagles

The bald eagle typically lays 2 eggs per year in a very large nest made from sticks. Both parents bring food back to the nest which is torn up and fed to their young. Bald eagle chicks don’t have the same recognizable white markings as adult birds. Instead, they are typically dark in color until they reach around five years old

Eagle Pictures



Harpy Eagle

The harpy eagle has a double-crested crown on its head. This is true for both males and females. It inhabits the rainforests of Central and South America reaching as far south as Argentina. The harpy eagle diet is mostly made up of tree-dwelling mammals such as monkeys and the slow-moving sloth. This species has the largest talons of any eagle in the world.

Eagle Pictures



Golden Eagle

The golden eagle is dark brown in color with golden feathers on the nape of its neck. This species has a wide wingspan typically ranging from around six to seven feet eight inches in width. The golden eagle is used by those who practice falconry to hunt animals as large as foxes and even wolves.

Eagle Pictures



Bald Eagle Eating Fish

The diet of the bald eagle consists mainly of fish. They catch fish with their sharp talons but also steal fish as well from other birds such as ospreys. The bald eagle is also a scavenger and commonly feeds on carrion. When fish or carrion is in short supply they may eat small mammals and other birds.

Eagle Pictures



Eagle Claws

All eagles have claws which are called talons. An eagle’s talons help it to catch and carry its prey. Each foot has four talons. The three talons on the front of the foot face backward while the one talon on the back faces forward. The talon on the back is known as the hallux talon and is always the longest of the four.

Eagle Pictures



Flying Eagle

Eagles have large, long wings and wide wingspans. These help eagles to carry their own bodyweight when flying plus the weight of their prey. In most pictures of eagles, you’ll typically see them soaring. That’s because soaring requires much less energy than flapping their large wings.

Eagle Pictures



Bald Eagle In Flight

The bald eagle is known for being a powerful and quite agile flier. And it has an impressive wingspan that can reach around seven and a half feet wide. This species often uses thermal updrafts to allow it to soar effortlessly.

Eagle Pictures



Eagle Eye

Eagles have incredibly strong eyesight. In fact, they can see at least four to five times farther than humans can. Not only that but the placement of their eyes also gives them a much wider field of vision. This allows them to see almost all the way around their entire head.

Eagle Pictures



Eagle Nest

Most eagle species build their nests on high cliffs or trees. They are typically made from sticks that are broken off from trees or that the birds found on the ground. Nests are often lined with things such as seaweed, moss, grass, sod, or lichens.

Eagle Pictures



African Fish Eagle

With its white head, the African fish eagle looks quite similar to the bald eagle. However, unlike its North American cousin, it is found in Sub-Saharan Africa. This species feeds mostly on fish which it grabs from the water with its talons and then eats high up on its perch. Similar to other fish-eating eagles it has special spircules on its feet that help it grip slippery fish.

Eagle Pictures



Steller’s Sea Eagle

The Stellar’s sea eagle is considered to be the heaviest eagle in the world. It is brown with white markings on its wings and has a distinct large yellow beak and a white tail. It feeds mainly on fish and water birds. This species inhabits coastal regions of Northeastern Asia.

Eagle Pictures



Crowned Eagle

The crowned eagle is a forest-dwelling eagle found in Sub-Saharan Africa. It’s named for the double crest on its head which is clearly visible in most crowned eagle pictures and gives its head a unique triangular shape.

This species has very large talons and is known to take prey as big as bushbuck. It has even been reported to snatch young children. Despite not being the biggest, it is considered by many to be the most powerful raptor in all of Africa.

Eagle Pictures


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