Irish Spring Deer Repellent

Irish Spring isn’t just a soap that has a pleasant and energizing fragrance. It’s also an ingredient that can help keep your outdoor space healthy and inviting. By making your own Irish Spring deer repellent you can help keep nuisance deer at bay. Here’s what you’ll need to know.

Deer as Pests

Deer are notorious garden pests due to the fact that they have penchants for chowing down on trees, flowers, shrubs, and vegetable gardens. One deer alone can take in between five and 10 pounds of plants daily. Deer particularly love to eat hosta plants and these perennials are staples in many gardens.

Why Use Irish Spring to Keep Deer Away

Irish Spring soap and deer don’t mix. That’s because the scent of Irish Spring soap repels deer. The distinctive scent discourages them from eating foliage and flowers.

Irish Spring is also eco-friendly. It’s devoid of aggressive chemicals and doesn’t hurt animals or plants. As a bonus, it can also kill aphids by dehydrating them. Aphids often chew on leaves, and are major garden pests as well.

How to Make Irish Spring Soap Deer Repellent

  1. Chop full bars of Irish Spring soap into four cubes or so.
  2. Put the cubes of soap on the ground. Make sure you put them right next to brand new plant growth. While doing this enables plants to mature, it still drives away the presence of hungry deer. It can be smart to focus on your flowerbeds and gardens in general. Don’t forget to zero in on the previously mentioned hosta stems, either.
  3. Use a cheese grater to grate Irish Spring bars. You can sprinkle the tiny bits next to seedlings prior to sprouting. The cheese grater route can come in handy for folks who don’t want soap bits to get trapped below their nails. Note that grating Irish Soap does not negatively interfere with the smell in any sense.

Things You Will Need

  • Irish Spring Bars
  • A knife that’s sharp
  • A cheese grater


-Use of Irish Spring deer repellent can help keep your garden intact and visually appealing all year long. These suggestions can also help you with that goal.

-Consider planting an abundance of flowers that bloom in the color yellow during the spring season each year. Deer, perhaps surprisingly, are discouraged by the presence of this bright hue. What proves that? Many people observe that deer are particularly keen on eating green leaf hostas. They honestly do not like the hostas that have yellowish leaves as much.

-Irish Spring deer repellent isn’t just an excellent choice for people who want to keep deer themselves out of their eye-catching gardens. That’s because this famous soap actually has the power to deter various other kinds of potentially annoying mammals such as rabbits and mice.

-If you want to make the most out of your Irish Spring soap deterrent use, you should go for the original version that comes in the distinctive black box. The original version seems to feature a smell that’s particularly bothersome to these animals.


Start Shopping for Deer Deterrents!


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