Rhea Facts

Doting dads, did you know the male rhea builds the nest, incubates the eggs, and takes care of the young? The rheas are paragons of parental care. It’s a bird like no other, and you will be surprised by the following rhea facts.

Rheas Are One Of The Best Dads In The Animal Kingdom

In most animal species, fathers do the fertilization duties and they are never seen again. However, the male rhea is hands-on when it comes to caring for their young. This behavior can be found in its close relatives as well such as the ostrich, emu, and cassowary.

Rhea Chicks Shelter In Their Father’s Wings

For the rheas, the male incubates the eggs; he sits on the eggs for up to 40 days till they hatch. When they hatch, he raises the young. For the chicks to stay comfortable and safe, the dad shelters then under his wings. The male even adopts lost chicks.

You might ask, what is the female doing all this time? While the males are raising the young ones, the females are off mating with other males and leaving them to incubate the eggs and raise the kids.

 A Rhea Nest Can Hold Up To 80 Eggs And It Is Built By The Male

Unlike most birds, male rheas build the nest. A single nest holds eggs from different parents. The male digs a hole about a meter in diameter and lines its bottom with vegetation. He then mates with several females and they all lay their eggs in the same nest.

A single nest can contain up to 80 eggs. In contrast, a typical bird nest holds between four to six eggs. If you think that we are done with rhea fun facts wait until you read the next. It seems that these flightless birds are very different from almost all other birds on the planet.

Rhea Facts


Rheas Roar Like Mammals

Did you know that the bellowing call of a rhea is similar to the roar of a lion rather than a bird’s song? This is mostly used during courtship by males. During the breeding season, the male attempts to attract females by making a loud booming noise that can be heard from afar. While making the call, they will ruffle their plumage, lift the front of their body, extend their wings, and run short distances.

Rheas Have Only Three Toes Unlike Most Birds

Their three-footed toe distinguishes them from ostriches. The ostrich has two toes and most other birds have four. The rhea’s tarsus has between 18 and 22 horizontal plates. This is one of the most interesting facts about rheas.

The Rhea Is The Largest Bird In South America

Standing at about 4 feet and weighing around 50 pounds, the greater rhea is the largest bird in South America. Most rheas are gray but some are brownish-gray or white. Rheas are native to South America only. They are found in Uruguay, Peru, Paraguay, Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, and Argentina. They inhabit woodlands, pampas, and grasslands.

Rheas Are Considered Near Threatened

According to rhea bird facts by National Geographic, rheas are classified as ‘Near Threatened’ because their population is decreasing. They are being hunted for meat and their skin, which is used in the manufacture of leather. The hunting of rheas has significantly thinned their population.

Rhea Facts



Rheas Are Classified As Ratites

Rheas, ostriches, emus, cassowaries, and kiwis all belong to a class of birds called ratites. The rhea shares similar characteristics with the ostrich including similar facial structure, large feathers, and impressive body size.

Rheas Are Opportunistic Eaters

They enjoy seeds, fruits, and plants. They can also feed on birds, lizards, and insects. Rheas also eat crops. This problem has intensified as grasslands in South America are converted to farmland.

Rheas Are Not As Dangerous As People Think

A rhea is not a bird to be messed with. It has sharp claws that can disembowel a person with a single blow. However one of the rhea facts many people don’t know is that a rhea is much more likely to flee from humans than to attack them.


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