Why Would A Swan Be Alone?

It’s widely known that swans are incredibly social and romantic creatures, so it can be disconcerting when you encounter a solitary swan. However, there are several reasons why this might be. So why would a swan be alone? Here’s what you’ll want to know.

But first, it’s important to understand the mating habits of swans in order to discern why one might choose to be alone.

Do Swans Really Mate For Life?

It’s one of the first questions that comes to mind when we think about swans, and it’s true! Swans mate for life, which has caused them to become a symbol of monogamy. When swans mate, they form a monogamous bond that can last for years and years. For the majority of swans, this happens before the age of two, with the pair then moving off together to find suitable mating territory.

Swans are incredibly faithful and committed, so you’ll often see them out in pairs. If the pair has cygnets, the entire family will go out together, with both swans actively parenting their children. To show their affection for one another, swans may press their chests together and entwine their necks. Their affection also translates into territorial aggressiveness, which is why swans will hiss and chase off any humans that approach their nesting places or their mates.

So, Why Would A Swan Be Alone?

Since swans have such strong monogamous instincts, it stands to reason that you should never see a lone swan. However, it isn’t unheard of and there are several reasons for it.

Why Would A Swan Be Alone?




Despite their base desire to attach themselves to a single mate, some swan couples do get “divorced’. This may be because of a failure to breed together, or because one of the couple has chosen to pursue another swan. If you see a swan alone, it may not currently have a mate because it has just separated from one.


If a swan’s mate has recently died, the surviving swan will go through a mourning period. Some mourning swans may join a flock for the company, but others will choose to remain alone in their nest, which is where you’ll observe them.

Temporary Separation

Not all swan separations are equivalent to divorce, so if you spot a swan going solo, its mate may be behind or concealed behind some grass or plants. Swans enjoy being close to their mates, but that doesn’t always mean being glued to each other’s sides!

It’s Not Mating Season

Naturally, mated swans spend pretty much all of their time together, but it’s normal to notice some swans going solo outside of mating season. Swans typically mate and breed in the spring, so they’ll likely be courting before that if they’ve met the one. But if they haven’t yet, it’s not unusual to see them roaming alone.


As previously stated, most swans meet their mate before the age of two, so it’s natural for younger swans to not be paired up yet. They still have lots of growing to do before they’re ready for courtship. When the time comes, they’ll find a mate and then start to build a shared nesting habitat.

So, if you’re out birdwatching and discover a lone swan, there’s likely no cause for alarm. There are many different and perfectly natural reasons why a swan might be alone.


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