Pink Bird

There’s just something special about pink plumage. Not only does it stand out visually, but the fact that it’s quite rare in the world of birds makes it even more extraordinary. So here are some of the coolest-looking pink bird species you’ll want to check out.


The galah is also appropriately called the grey and pink cockatoo. It is a grey and pink bird from Australia that has a light pink crest on its head. It is widespread throughout its native homeland and can even be found in urban areas. There are three subspecies of this stunning bird.

Pink Bird



American Flamingo

The American flamingo is a large pink wading bird with a downward-curving bill. What makes the flamingo pink is actually the high level of carotenoids found in its diet of animal and plant plankton. Because there is higher availability of carotenoids in the diet of the American Flamingo compared to that of other flamingos, it is the most brightly colored of the six flamingo species.

Pink Bird



Roseate Spoonbill

The roseate spoonbill is a large pink bird that looks like a flamingo. And like the American flamingo, what actually makes the roseate spoonbill pink in color is its carotenoid-rich diet. It can easily be distinguished however by its unique spoon-shaped bill.

Pink Bird



Northern Carmine Bee-Eater

Similar to other bee-eater species the Northern carmine bee-eater has a long down-turned bill and richly colored plumage. It is mainly carmine (deep red) in color with a pinkish brown mantle, greenish-blue head, and a black mask. This African species preys on bees but also other flying insects as well.

Pink Bird



Great White Pelican

The great white pelican is an enormous bird with a huge pink and yellow bill and pinkish skin surrounding its eyes. It is also known as the rosy pelican. While its plumage is normally white, during the breeding season it develops a pink tinge, temporarily becoming a slightly pink pelican.

Pink Bird



Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo

Major Mitchell’s cockatoo is an Australian species that is also known as the pink cockatoo or the Leadbeater’s cockatoo. This cool-looking bird has plumage that is white and salmon-pink with a brightly-colored yellow and red crest. While the sexes look similar, females can be distinguished from males by their red eyes and the wider yellow stripe on their crest.

Pink Bird



Bourke’s Parrot

The Bourke’s parrot is a small Australian parrot species. Because of its pink breast and abdomen, it’s also called the sundown parrot or pink-bellied parrot. But it is also known as the blue-vented parrot or Bourke’s parakeet as well. Since it is not only attractive but also has a peaceful nature this species is a popular pet.

Pink Bird



Rose Robin

The rose robin is yet another pink Australian bird. However, it is only the male of the species that has the eye-catching pink breast. In contrast, the female is a dull brownish-grey. The rose robin is a small bird that feeds mainly on spiders and insects in the treetops.

Pink Bird



Pink-Headed Fruit Dove

The pink-headed fruit dove can be found in the forested mountains of Indonesia. It is a shy species that feeds mainly on fruits and berries. Male birds have a purplish-pink head for which they get their name. Like with many bird species the females are duller in color than the males.

Pink Bird



Long-Tailed Tit

The long-tailed tit is a black, pink, and white bird. It is tiny in size with a round body and a long, black and white tail. This species prefers to feed on insects and spiders which it finds on the smaller branches of woodland trees.

Pink Bird



Scarlet Ibis

The scarlet ibis is a medium size pink bird. Its plumage is entirely bright pink except for its wingtips which are black or sometimes dark blue. The long, narrow bill of the scarlet ibis curves downward and allows the bird to probe for crustaceans and insects in both the mud and soil.

Pink Bird


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